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Showing posts from September, 2017

Company Administration

As we started our company relatively late during the year (beginning of November) we decided that it was not practical to re-elect the function directors. This was because our original function directors would not have experienced enough time within their role if not re-elected, but also because we felt that our selection of roles were quite sound. Our H.R. and finance directors are currently working out remuneration rates. These will be an hourly rate that will then be paid to achievers depending on time spent working for the company.

European Economic

THE Treaty of Rome is also known as the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community. This treat placed down the condition for economic community, including the development of the internal market and the common agricultural policy and the structure of the Community institutions. The concept of qualified majority voting was introduced, while many areas were under agreement. There were provisions drawn up in this treaty that after the initial period, a number of areas under agreement would pass to qualified majority.